Thursday, March 31, 2011

When It Happened In All Sudden

being honest is the hardest thing in everyone life. same goes to me. but is it true that it is better telling lies than true to make sure at the end there is no broken heart ? why is this always happen in our life ?

kebenaran adalah sesuatu yang menyakit kan. tapi lebih baik saket sekarang sebelum terluka untuk masa depan dan seterus nya . pahit untuk ditelan . bak kate orang. ditelan mati bapak diluah mati mak.

my heart is now beating so hard ! ouh . tears ? no more. . what happen ?

when there is two girl in love with a boy . . is it okay ?

boy ? why ? me ? her ? can ? you ? stop ?

Boy:  Sayang...i do love you. . tapi i dont want this to be happen. . ever ! never !

Why: why me sayang ? why me who should feels this stupid nonsense feeling ?

Me: why do i always get stuck in something that not should be happen to me ?

Her: why is this should be tell when my heart is stick to him ? why are you coming after i'm telling love?

Can : sayang. . can you please please please be honest with me ? i'll will face what ever its takes just to get the truth.

You: you are not suppose to be trust at first. but you are now.

Stop : STOP LYING TO ME AND ANYONE ELSE ! hard to put trust on you back.

can't be tell how much the love and how deep the feeling STILL !


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

btul2!!...baek kenal owg tu betul2 dulu...
tau life dye yang SEBENAR-BENARNYE....
dr tbe2 sangkut kt tengah....
xke parah....
weyh!!! follow aq la dear..haish!