Sunday, January 23, 2011

rencah kehidupan selama sebulan

okay. let me tell you this. this semester, i got new roomate. (like i ever stay with the same every sem) her name is NURUL HASLIEZZAYANTY RAMLI.(uh ! what a name) almost a month we stay together, share everything, laughing, crying....(not yet) yealing to each other. it was fun you know. but now she has been warded. pity huh ?

saba yea yanty. aku doa kan kau cepat sembuh. nie ha perjalanan sepanjang kitorang di hospital.

3.00 a.m
yanty saket dade. aku kejut nenek dengan perasaan takut takut. nenek suroh siap pegi hospital.

3.30 a.m
sampai hospital. dokte bagi yanty sedut gas. yanty kene sedut 3 kali.(aku sampai tetidor tunggu.) yanty kene enjet gak.die muntah pastu. ( kesian die.) then die kene x-ray. die akhirnye dimasok kan dalam ward. tapi tapi before masok wad tu.kitorang tunggu kat tempat sedut tu 4 jam( pergh ! penat gile!) then mase g ward kitorang jadi PERAK jap sebab kitorang naek ambulans. haha. ade gamba.tapi gegar la.. sbb laju sangat. (kene perli ngan driver tanye na pasang siren ke ta)

dah tu.sampai sane yanty dapat ward A2-27.

then sebelah katil yanty ade sorunk makcik tue. die sakit HBP,DIABETIS n HEART DISEASE. cian die.tapi die baek sangat..semoge cepat sembuh makcik.. :) then sementare tunggu tu..aku da lelap dulu b4 yanty.penat woo.saket pinggang aku tido duduk.

 yanty kene injet.

 belagak yanty ade tag nie.

 MAKCIK yanty

sarapan kami. :)


1 comment:

hasliezzayanty. said...

thanks for this entry baby :D